Are you struggling these days to focus? The right supplements for concentration can help make your mind sharpened again. If you’re like most people, you drag yourself through the workday. You struggle to get out of that brain fog that keeps you from staying focused. We’ve all been there. The good news is, you don’t have to struggle with this any longer.
From supplements for focus and concentration to lifestyle changes, there are many ways to break through that fog and improve your ability to stay focused. Find out how to improve focus and clarity with these 9 tips for using supplements that are safe and effective.
Table of Contents
Best Supplements For Concentration – An Overview

Herbal supplements to help with concentration:Â The simplest way to start improving your focus is to take natural focus supplements. These supplements contain key ingredients, or nutrients, that help improve brain function, memory, and overall cognitive function.
The best supplements for focus contain natural ingredients, like bacopin, ginkgo biloba, and ACAR, to help improve your brain’s function. Mind Lab Pro & Qualia Mind are two my favorite supplements to improve concentration because they contains natural, proven ingredients that help improve your memory, concentration, focus, and mood.
Iron supplements to improve concentration:Â Poor concentration can be a sign of an iron deficiency. This means that your body’s red blood cells no longer produce enough oxygen, which affects the brightness of your mind and makes you feel tired and tame. The Dietetics Association of South Africa recommends that adult menstruating women take about 18 mg of iron per day.
- Two eggs provide 10% of your daily recommended intake. Eat it with bacon or lamb sausage. It contains heme iron, which is easily absorbed into your body.
- Chicken liver (about 100 g) contains half the amount of iron you need every day. It’s delicious with peri-peri sauce.
- If you’re struggling to get enough iron through your diet, you may need a supplement. But first, test your iron level and talk to a doctor about the correct dose. Too much iron can damage your heart and liver.
Vitamin B supplements to improve focus:Â Vitamin B plays a vital role in your brain’s health. Studies indicate that it may prevent brain depletion, such as Alzheimer’s disease. The reason is that vitamin B6 especially keeps the homocysteine level low. This natural amino acid occurs in higher levels in people who experience severe stress. It does damage cell walls, and it can also cause inflammation in the brain, which is associated with memory loss.
B vitamins – especially B6, B12, and folic acid – break down this substance into the body, helping to prevent mental deterioration. This vitamin complex is found in foods such as chicken and cheese, but it’s also important to have a good supplement. Choose one that contains 100% of your recommended daily intake.
Omega supplements to improve memory:Â Omega 3 fatty acids are a must for your brain’s health. Studies show that people who do not take enough of these fatty acids have a higher risk of dementia. The key to omega 3’s effect on the brain lies in your membranes.
Cell walls consist of about 60% fat, of which DHA – one of the omega three essential fatty acids – is most important. Omega 3s help keep the membranes more elastic, improving the flow of electrical impulses.
It also promotes blood flow to the brain. Taking enough of it every day can make a big difference in your ability to concentrate and remember things.
Hormone Supplements for Focus and Concentration:
Do you struggle to remember names since reaching the menopause? A decrease in estrogen may be blamed for this. Studies show that this hormone increases the number of compounds between our brain cells, helping brain cells “talk” to each other. Some researchers say, so you strengthen your brain and you can protect yourself from diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
By taking the right diet and supplements, you can buffer a decrease in estrogen. Flaxseed, beans and green vegetables are excellent sources of vegetable estrogen. Eat a handful of nuts or seeds or half avocado every day. These are healthy foods that boost your memory and balance your hormones.
Adding Lifestyle Changes With Supplements For Concentration
Drink Green Tea Daily:Â Tea Are you looking for a brain-picker? Switch to green tea. The flavonoids can stimulate your brain power, says Australian herbalist Tipper Lewis. According to her, a study in Japan has shown that two or more cups of vegetable per day reduce your chances of mental decline by up to 64%.
Drink Warm Water Every Morning:Â If your brain feels “dull,” hydration is the first thing to think about. Hot water is just the thing that can help: It quickly percolates in the cells to hydrate your body faster and improve your concentration. Drink it slowly and regularly throughout the day. Start with a cup of hot water in the morning when you get up. The moment you feel your concentration is beginning to decline, have another cup.
Get Enough Exercise: Studies show that physical exercise helps improve your ability to pay attention. When you’re physically active, your brain releases chemicals that are associated with memory and learning. Cardio exercise, in particular, offers both immediate and long-term improvements in concentration.
Stay Hydrated:Â Did you know that even mild dehydration can affect your ability to pay attention? One study showed that women who were less than 2% dehydrated had trouble concentrating on cognitive tests. So instead of reaching for that latte or double shot of espresso, reach for a bottle of water to improve your concentration.
Get Enough Sleep: If you’re like most people, you don’t get enough sleep. And that lack of sleep may be one of the key reasons why you’re having trouble staying focused.
Psychiatrists often look into their patient’s sleeping habits when concentration becomes an issue. Lack of delta sleep is often the cause of inattentiveness. And in case you didn’t know, delta is the stage just before REM sleep when the brain powers down and your cognitive functions strengthen. If you’re getting less than seven hours of sleep each night, you’re probably cutting into this phase.
Prioritize Your Tasks
It’s easy to lose focus when you have a big project to tackle or long to-do list for the day. Prioritizing your tasks will help you stay on the right track. Get the big jobs out of the way first, and concentrate on the smaller tasks later on in the day.
Get Rid of the Distractions
We live in a world where the Internet is available to us 24 hours a day. We’re constantly bombarded with new social updates, emails, news stories, and phone calls.
All of these things keep us distracted and prevent us from staying focused on the task at hand. It’s gotten to the point where the average American has an attention span of just eight seconds – less than a goldfish.
Want to immediately improve your focus? Close out Facebook, Twitter, and email. Turn off your phone. Don’t give yourself an opportunity to multi-task. This will only make it harder to concentrate.
Commit to a Routine
Routines help you naturally stay focused. If you wake up, work, sleep and eat at the same time every day, you never have to waste time trying to figure out how to organize your time. Create a routine and stick to it. After a while, your brain will expect you to work at the same time every day and will be better prepared to stay focused.
Feed Your Brain
You are what you eat. And if you eat well, your brain will perform at its highest level. Focus and concentration will come easily to you. Try including more of these focus-boosting foods in your diet:
- Leafy greens, like spinach and kale
- Whole grains, like whole oat grouts or wheat berries
- Berries, like blueberries and raspberries
- Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon
Instead of reaching for a sugary sweet snack, opt for fruit or a salad as a snack. Your brain will thank you for it.
Try a Concentration Training Program
There are numerous exercises out there designed to help improve your concentration and focus. No, we’re not talking about physical exercise here. We’re talking about mental exercise.
Training your brain muscles will help strengthen them. Some concentration training methods require you to count the number of words in a paragraph or page, while others are more intensive. With time and practice, you’ll improve your ability to focus and pay attention.
Which Is The Best Supplement For Concentration and Memory?
These are just a few of the many ways you can improve your concentration and focus. Supplementation is one of the best ways to improve your attention span, but training exercises can be highly effective as well. One of my favorite supplements for concentration is Mind Lab Pro, which is formulated with 100% natural ingredients and delivers faster and positive results. The final piece to the puzzle is nutrition. The right nutrients will ensure that your brain is functioning optimally.