Is your memory declining day by day? Do you feel low cognition, focus and concentration? This could be due to the deficiency of vital brain vitamins for memory in your food.
We all know that vitamins are essential for good health. The brain needs vitamins to function optimally. Vitamins also have an antioxidant effect, preventing the attack of harmful substances on brain cells. This reduces the chance of getting cancer. A healthy diet contributes to an optimal memory. Which brain vitamins are the most important for this and in which foods do they occur?
Table of Contents
Best Brain Vitamins For Memory & Focus

Vitamins for Memory: Vitamins offer you the fuel and chemistry needed to support your memory. Nevertheless, vitamins and other supplements such as minerals only supplement a good diet and can never serve as a replacement. Vitamins are organic substances that are found in many foods, and they are beneficial to health. Without the necessary vitamins, you will get all sorts of complaints including problems with the functioning of your brain.
Importance of Antioxidants & Vitamins for Memory
Many brain vitamins and minerals function as antioxidants and thus prevent free radicals from carrying out their destructive attacks on your brain. An antioxidant is a collective name for substances that help against the damage of cells.
Antioxidants consist mainly of vitamins A, C, and E and protect the body against diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants also protect the DNA of our cells.
Due to a shortage of vitamins, there may be damage in the cells, so there is a greater chance of getting cancer. Cancer is a general name for hundreds of different types of diseases. There is abnormal cell growth due to the damage.
Best Vitamins For Memory
Vitamins are soluble in water or fat. Water-soluble brain vitamins (vitamins B and C) work in the wet areas of your brain. Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) work in the fatty areas of your mind. Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, and excess is excreted, while fat-soluble vitamins can be stored.
Vitamin B Complex:Â Vitamin B is essential for your brain. If your mind receives a balanced supply of vitamins B, this will contribute to a good memory. Thus, in the event of a defect, this quality will be lost, and this leads to forgetfulness. Vitamins-B ensures that toxic by-products from your cell metabolism are cleaned up. If this process does not go well, there is a higher risk of arteriosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.
Vitamin B1:Â All B vitamins have their chemical name. The chemical name of, for example, vitamin B1 is thiamine. This vitamin was first discovered and therefore was given the number 1. Thiamine is essential in the brain when converting glucose into energy.
When there is a shortage of this vitamin, attention problems develop and you get confused. In case of a severe vitamin B1 deficiency, you may even get beriberi, a disease with severe mental confusion and depression. If you want to know more about this disease, then look at Beriberi: a lack of vitamin B1.
Vitamin B2:Â This vitamin is also called riboflavin and helps the body to digest and use carbohydrates and protein and promotes the functioning of the mucous membrane. Carbohydrates and proteins are essential for healthy brains. Sources of this vitamin are baker’s yeast, broccoli, cheese, leafy vegetables and egg.
Vitamin B3:Â This is also called niacin and is involved in the lowering of cholesterol levels, the conduction of nerve impulses and the metabolism of the oxygen supply. When you are short of B3, you probably have problems with your short-term memory, and you feel confused. Sources are liver, milk, and yoghurt.
Vitamin B5:Â Another name is pantothenic acid. This vitamin is involved in the production of red blood cells that take care of oxygen transport to the brain and in the manufacture of adrenaline hormones. Vitamin B5 converts choline into acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is directly involved in the operation of the memory. Sources are beans, fish poultry and whole grains.
Vitamin B6:Â It is also called pyridoxine and helps to extract energy and nutrients from food and to lose excess homocysteine. This substance increases the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in the production of certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. If you lack this vitamin, you can get thinking and memory problems. Sources are beans, chicory, leafy vegetables, eggs, fish, liver, milk and whole grains.
Vitamin B12:Â This vitamin is also called cobalamin and is necessary for the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is essential for the conduction of nerve impulses. A deficiency of this vitamin manifests itself in a high degree of confusion. Sources are cheese, eggs, fish, liver, milk and fish.
Vitamin C:Â This versatile vitamin is involved in the production of many neurotransmitters that are necessary for optimal functioning of the brain. It is a powerful antioxidant and a cleaner of free radicals (substances that damage cells). With a lack of certain neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, dopamine and norepinephrine) your memory could hardly function. Sources are berries, broccoli, sprouts, citrus fruits and peppers.
Vitamin E:Â This fat-soluble vitamin stimulates toxins in the brain and switches them off. Vitamin E is also an essential antioxidant because it disrupts the oxidation process and protects the fatty cell membranes. The death of an essential protein is prevented by vitamin E, which protects the brain against a particular form of plaque found in Alzheimer’s patients.
This vitamin protects the structures that convert memories from short-term memory into long-term memory. Also, vitamin E protects the immune system and is a natural blood thinner. Sources are eggs, milk, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, potatoes and wheat germ.
Vitamin A:Â We know that roots are good for your eyes. This vitamin is essential for your retina. In the absence of vitamin A, you can suffer from night blindness. In the brain, this vitamin is also necessary because it neutralizes the “bad” oxygen and protects the cell walls against damage. Sources are egg yolks, cod liver oil and leafy vegetables.
Folic acid
Folic acid plays a role in DNA synthesis and contributes to the development of the nervous system in early childhood. If pregnant women do not get enough folic acid, the chance of children with congenital disabilities such as an open back is higher. In the absence of folic acid, memory problems and emotional liability arise, including irritability and possibly even chase madness. Sources of folic acid are asparagus, carrots, leafy vegetables, legumes and tubers.
Choline:Â Choline is vitally crucial during early youth and growth. In case of a shortage, your concentration and memory will suffer. Choline plays an active role in your cell membranes and is necessary for the formation of the vital memory neurotransmitter (carrier substance) acetylcholine. Sources are cauliflower, eggs, lettuce and liver.
Omega 3
One of the essential fatty acids, Omega 3’s are great for our memory, and for reducing the risk of memory loss and other loss of brain function as we age. Studies have also linked high fish oil consumption to a decreased risk of depression. When buying fish oil supplements, it’s important to purchase a brand that is purified, otherwise your fish oil could contain mercury.
Ginkgo Biloba
Vitamins for Memory: One of the oldest living tree species on earth, and useful too! Ginkgo Biloba extract is often taken to enhance memory as well as other important brain functions. It is sometimes used as a treatment for various forms of Dementia (including Alzheimer’s) because it improves blood flow to the brain, but there isn’t enough conclusive evidence yet to claim that it is a proven solution or method for preventing these illnesses. Other symptoms of aging such as poor circulation can also be treated with this herbal supplement.
Best Supplement With Vitamins For Memory
Vitamins for Memory: Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are of course indispensable if we want to keep our brains healthy and our memory good. The minerals iodine, iron, zinc, magnesium and zinc influence the memory, but also the B vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids and various vegetable supplements such as Ginkgo biloba or Bacopa monnieri.
Omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA occur naturally in fish and algae. Of course, you can get this through a balanced diet. But for many people, a balanced diet is not always feasible. That is why it is convenient to supplement the diet with dietary supplements for memory like Mind Lab Pro, LumUltra, and NooCube. These supplements are designed with herbal ingredients and essential vitamins for memory.