We The Brainys

Noopept Review – Negative Side Effects Or Safe Ingredients?

Learning is a very necessary part of whether you are children or an adult. You might be troubling memorizing, concentrating, or feeling stressed, in this case, may require a dietary supplement or drug to support your brain. Noopept is a nootropic drug that claims to improve the functioning of the brain. Noopept review is all about the supplement that you must be aware of? Additionally, you will also get to know Is it legit or not?

Noopept Review -What It Is?

noopept review

Noopept is a cognitive enhancer in capsule form. The creators of Noopept promises that it helps to enhance your brain functions including memory and reduce fatigue, sleep disorder, dizziness, brain fog, etc.

Noopept is a synthetic drug that produces nootropic effects and boosts memory and functions. Nootropic drugs are considered to be safe for boosting mental ability. Noopept is a brand name of N-pheny lacetyl-L-prolylgycine ethyl ester. The innovative formula of this drug is also effective for the person for persons over 50 years of age.


What is Noopept good for?

Noopept is a well-known cognitive enhancer available in most of the marketplace. The formation of Noopept is based on the active compounds cycloprolyglycine which is a memory peptide substance, present in our brain. Think when you have improved memory, you can achieve more in your life. The potentials major Noopept benefits are given below.

Spacial Memory

In research, it has been found that Noopept supports special memory. This function helps you to store information and also helps in the navigation to remember things.

Protects Brain

Noopept promotes neuroprotective effects. It helps to protect or treat damaged brain cells. From some research conducted on Noopept, it is found that Noopept has positive effects on oxidative damage and cells die because of amyloid toxicity.

Reduce Stress

Noopept can suppress oxidative stress and prevent the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

Support Better Emotional Balance

A clinical study conducted on Noopept claims that it is very helpful in reducing stress, enhancing mood, fighting depression issues, and low anxiety. Well, it provides various benefits to patients with the traumatic disorder. The patients who have taken a 10mg dosage of Noopept reported improved sleep and low occurrence of headaches.

Other advantages of Noopepts

  • It increases alertness.
  • Improve communication by restoring information & knowledge.
  • Heighten Choline effects.
  • Boost Alpha brain waves.
  • Helpful for brain growth and development.

How Does It Work?

To know how Noopept works, you have to understand the working mechanism of these Noopept pills. Noopept targets the neurotransmitter system and discharges Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors (BDNF).

Noopept involves a prodrug called cycloprolyglycine that increases the production of BNDF for the growth of neural cells that is responsible for the formation of new neurotransmitters.

When the new cells were formed in the brain it results in enhanced cognitive function along with better memory and learning power, nerve growth AMPA (a glutamate receptor) alongside.

Noopept Side Effects

Noopept Side Effects

Noopept is a safe and nontoxic nootropic drug. There were no major side effects have been founded after testing the Noopept on patients. It is effective but it doesn’t mean that it does not have side effects. The symptoms that have been noticed are mild if you exceed the recommended dosage.

The side effects of Noopept are mentioned below.

  • Irritation
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • High blood pressure
  • Gastrointestinal issues.
  • Fatigue


The most popular form of Noopept supplement is a capsule. Noopept is available in three options, oral, injectable, and sublingual. The recommended dosage of a Noopept oral capsule is 10 to 30 mg. You can take it on and off-cycle. Well the official website itself suggests using it for at least 56 days for effective results.

Some people consider megadosing the Noopept capsule with Noopept powder to amplify the results.

Noopept vs Piracetam

Noopept and Piracetam are cognitive enhancers. The working mechanism of both drugs is the same. However, Noopept is thousands of times stronger than Piracetam. The formula of Noopept is much safer and effective than Piracetam. Moreover, in 2004, Food and Drug Association has banned the use of Piracetam in their products.

Noopept Legal Status

The legal status of Noopept depends upon the country, state, or territory you are living.  The use of this nootropic drug maybe falls under the jurisdiction of your country. It is legal in some countries. Whereas, the use of Noopept is completely banned in some countries.

In some Noopept Reddit reviews, it is mentioned that Noopept has provided a positive impact on their brain. On the other side, some reviewers warn against Noopept overdosing because it might be result in brain fog, short-term memory loss, and other chronic conditions.

Where to Buy Noopept?

Noopept supplements are available on the official website of the Noopept or Nootropic Depot. Moreover, you can also purchase these nootropic drugs from the reputed manufacturers who are selling the drugs directly to the marketplaces.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long do the effects of Noopept last?

The effects of Noopept last long for a maximum of one hour after taking this drug.

Does Noopept increase dopamine?

The formula of the Noopept supplement increases the dopamine content by normalizing the GABA, Glycine, and aspartate levels.

Does Noopept give you energy?

Well, Noopept is related to increasing the production of BDNF and NGF. It is the production of neuroprotective properties and doesn’t do much with energy levels.

Is Noopept Safe?

Noopept is a safe nootropic supplement that helps to boost brain function.


Noopept Review – Conclusion

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You will experience increased memory power and improved brain functions by using the Noopept supplement. Noopept supplement is one of the most popular nootropic drugs available on the market. It is effective even when you take smaller doses. In this Noopept review, you have learned why is important to take this highly demanded nootropic supplement for revitalizing your brain.

Although the primary function of Noopept is improving cognitive activities it also supports, learning & memory functions as well. It activates the brain’s neurotransmitters cells and provides nootropic effects to your brain.

Matthew Swayne

Cognition • Mood Enhancement • Memory • Focus • Motivation • Fitness • Confidence • Anti-Anxiety • Socializing • Verbal Fluency