We The Brainys
Focus Factor alternatives

Focus Factor VS The Alternatives – Top 10 Competitors Compared

If you are searching for a supplement to increase your mental performance, then possibly you will come across Focus Factor. It is one of the most popular brain enhancement supplements that has benefitted a lot of people in overcoming their cognitive disability. But it is not alone, there are numerous other supplements that are equally popular in the market and are considered as worthy alternatives to Focus Factor. Therefore here we are going to compare the Focus Factor vs the alternatives, one of one.

A Glimpse On Focus Factor

Focus Factor vs the Alternatives

Focus Factor is promoted as America’s No. 1 brain supplement that has successfully built a wall of loyal and happy customers. The supplement is manufactured and marketed by Factor Nutrition Labs Ltd.

Focus Factor was launched about 15 years back and has become immensely popular in the market by offering a variety of brain supplements that include pills, gummies, for kids, and much more.

Focus Factor is formulated with 40 natural ingredients that are clinically proven and tested to improve mental power and cognition.


  • It helps in improving memory power
  • Helps in improving focus
  • Promotes mental concentration
  • Provides essential brain nutrition
  • Helps in improving brain function


The supplement includes DMAE Bitartrate, L-glutamine, Choline, Bilberry fruit, Grape seed extract, Boron, DHA, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Phosphatidylserine, L-pyroglutamic acid, N-acetyltyrosine, Grape skin extract, Vinpocetine, Vitamin A, C, D, E, B6, & B12.

Side Effects

Yes, like any other herbal supplement, Focus Factor also carries some possible side effects that are found in researches and customer reports. You may experience gastric upset, irritability, headaches, stomach pain, fishy body odor, vomiting, and diarrhea.

User Review & Ratings

Focus Factor is immensely popular in the market as it has received over 75% of positive reviews from real users. The supplement has been rated with 4.2 stars from over 3500+ users on Amazon. Read our unbiased review on Focus Factor for more information.

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Top 10 Focus Factor Alternatives Compared

Focus Factor vs Mind Lab Pro

mind lab pro vs focus factor

Mind Lab Pro is a popular brain supplement in the market that is promoted as a Universal Nootropic. With the word “Universal Nootropic”, the company means that it is designed to work for everyone.

Whether it’s working professionals, students, athletes, and competitors, it is claimed to work for all.

The supplement is formulated with herbal ingredients that help in improving learning ability, memory recall, mental focus, concentration, performance, motivation, productivity, memory, mood, clarity.


  • Improves memory retention and recall
  • Provides better mood and clarity
  • Works for elderly
  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Provides better brain health
  • Prevent toxins to enter brain cells


Mind Lab Pro includes fewer but some quality ingredients compared to Focus Factor. It includes citicoline, phosphatidylserine, Bacopa Monnieri, Lion’s Mane, Maritime pine bark extract, L-tyrosine, L-theanine, and Rhodiola Rosea.

Side Effects

Mind Lab Pro is one such brain supplement that is claimed to be 100% free from side effects. The supplement is formulated with natural ingredients therefore it doesn’t carry any type of side effects. Even there are no adverse effects reported to date.

User Review & Ratings

Similar to Focus Factor, Mind Lab Pro is also quite popular in the market. It has also gained an immense amount of positive reviews from real users. It has been rated with 4 stars from 300+ users on Amazon. Read our unbiased review on Mind Lab Pro for more information.

Buy Focus Factor >>                        Buy Mind Lab Pro >>

Focus Factor vs Onnit Alpha Brain

onnit alpha brain vs focus factor

Alpha Brain is another most popular nootropic in the market that is manufactured and marketed by a popular supplement brand, Onnit.

Unlike prescribed or synthetic nootropic drugs, Alpha Brain is a nutraceutical nootropic that is formulated with 100% natural ingredients that are safe and effective in delivering positive results.

The supplement helps in improving focus and memory for better performance and productivity. Alpha Brain includes one special ingredient that is known as Alpha GPC.

Check detailed comparison on Focus Factor vs Alpha Brain


  • Helps in improving mental focus and concentration
  • Improves memory and cognition
  • Helps in producing alpha waves
  • Promotes releasing neurotransmitter


Onnit Alpha Brain uses three proprietary blends, unlike Focus Factor that is formulated with 40 special ingredients. The three blends include Onnit flow blend, Onnit focus blend, and Onnit fuel blend, along with few other ingredients.

Side Effects

Like Focus Factor, Onnit Alpha Brain is also claimed to be side effect free. But due to unclear disclosure of ingredients, there are few side effects reported from the real users. The possible side effects reported are nervousness and increased heartbeat.

User Review & Ratings

Onnit is a popular supplement brand and it has a very strong customer base that also carries with all its supplements including Alpha Brain. The supplement has been rated with 4.5 stars by 8800+ users on Amazon. Read our unbiased review on Onnit Alpha Brain for more information.

Buy Focus Factor >>                        Buy Onnit Alpha Brain >>

Focus Factor vs Prevagen

prevagen vs focus factor

Prevagen is a popular name in the supplement market that is claimed to help in improving brain health and memory power naturally without any possible side effects.

The supplement has gained immense attention and popularity in the last few years due to lots of positive feedback from the users.

Prevagen is one such popular addition to the brain supplement that includes clinically proven and FDA-approved natural ingredients. The supplement is claimed to help in overcoming Alzheimer’s disease and head injuries.

Check detailed comparison on Focus Factor vs Prevagen


  • Helps in treating head injuries
  • Promotes healthy brain functionality
  • Provides sharper mind
  • Promotes mental clarity
  • Helps in Alzheimer’s disease


The ingredient list of Prevagen is not disclosed and therefore it is not possible to find out complete information about the ingredients used. One main ingredient promoted is Apoaequorin that is a natural protein found in jellyfish.

Side Effects

Though the supplement is claimed to be side-effect-free, it is not possible to believe until we don’t get a complete list of ingredients. According to research, apoaequorin may lead to possible side effects like headache, anxiety, nausea, and dizziness.

User Review & Ratings

Prevagen is a very popular brain supplement in the market as it claims in helping to overcome Alzheimer’s disease and head injuries. The supplement has been rated with 4.4 stars out of 5 from 458 users on Amazon.

Focus Factor vs Neuriva

neuriva vs focus factor

Neuriva is a new brain enhancement supplement that has became very popular in a very short period of time. Though the supplement carries a thin ingredient list, still it has created a buzz among brain supplement seekers due to its claims.

The supplement is manufactured by a renowned supplement company, Schiff Vitamins.

The supplement is available in various variants such as Neuriva Original, Neuriva Plus, and Neuriva Brain Health Gummies, and all of them are formulated with 100% natural ingredients.


  • It helps in increasing focus
  • Helps in improving accuracy
  • Promotes memory function and cognitive health
  • Provides better learning and recalling
  • Helps in improving concentration


Neuriva is a potential brain supplement that uses some quality ingredients but still lack some good ones that are used in Focus Factor. It uses fish oil, resveratol, phosphatidylserine, acetyl-L carnitine, ginkgo biloba, bacopa monnieri, and rhodiola rosea.

Side Effects

Neuriva is claimed to be formulated with complete plant-based ingredients that are safe. Even the company claims that their supplement is free from any sort of side effects but there are some reports from users that they experienced anxiety, rashes, and irritation.

User Review & Ratings

Talking about the user reviews of Neuriva, there are not enough good reviews that can impress me to suggest you. There are more complaints than appraisals. It has been rated with 4.2 stars by 9000+ users on Amazon.

Focus Factor vs Optimind

optimind vs focus factor


Optimind is another popular brain supplement that is also claimed as America’s No. 1 Nootropic supplement.

The supplement is manufactured and marketed by AlternaScript LLC claiming that it helps in improving focus, brain health, energy, and brain fog. Optimind is tagged as a supplement to unleash your mind and brainpower.

The supplement is formulated with all-natural ingredients that help in improving brain functioning and cognitive health. The supplement is specially promoted as an aid to brain fog.


  • Helps in increasing mental energy and alertness
  • Promotes focus and concentration
  • Provides mental clarity
  • Helps in improving cognitive function
  • Promotes mental retention


The ingredients list of Optimind is very thin compared to Focus Factor. The supplement is formulated with 12 ingredients that include GABA, Serinaid Phosphatidylserine, Vitamin D3, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Caffeine, Huperzine A, L-tyrosine, Bacopa Monnieri, and more.

Side Effects

Optimind is a supplement that frankly admits that it carries few minor side effects but doesn’t mention what they are. As per reports from real users, they experienced restlessness, insomnia, nausea, increased heartbeat, constipation, and stomach cramps.

User Reviews & Ratings

The user reviews for Optimind are not quite impressive as there are more complaints than appraisals. Still, the supplement has been rated with 4.2 stars out of 5 by more than 500 users on Amazon.

Focus Factor vs Cognium

cognium vs focus factor

Cognium is a nootropic supplement that available both online and over the counter. It is a brand new brain supplement that is manufactured by Natrol.

This supplement is claimed to be an herbal supplement, but it is not herbal completely. Cognium includes few herbal ingredients but most of them are chemical and synthetic ingredients.

The supplement is specially designed to help in improving brain health and functioning. It also helps in providing strong and sharp memory with improved cognitive function.


  • The ingredients used are clinically tested
  • Helps in improving brain health
  • Boosts memory in healthy adults
  • The supplement is stimulant-free
  • Delivers positive results within a month


Most of these ingredients are chemically formulated that include dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, maltodextrin, glyceryl, monostearate, croscarmellose, sodium, silicon dioxide, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, and methylcellulose.

Side Effects

Though Cognium is claimed to be effective, safe, and side-effect-free, there are some nasty side effects associated with the use of Cognium. The supplement delivers some possible side effects like increased heartbeat, nausea, anxiety, and restlessness.

User Reviews & Ratings

Though the supplement carries few severe side effects, still it is quite popular in the market. The supplement has been rated with 4.1 stars by over 3800 users on Amazon.

Focus Factor vs Focus Fast

focus fast vs focus factor

Focus Fast is the fastest gaining popularity brain supplement due to its unique claim. The supplement is claimed to be the only herbal brain supplement that works within 1 hour of usage.

The supplement is a potent blend of various essential brain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Focus Fast is specially designed to give an instant mental boost to working professionals, and students.

The supplement is also known to help in overcoming depression, anxiety, fatigue, Alzheimer’s disease, and psychiatric disorder.


  • Claimed to be the fastest working brain supplement
  • Helps in improving mental health and cognition
  • Promotes brain energy
  • Helps in aiding depression and anxiety


Focus Fast carries one of the thickest ingredient lists, over 45 herbal ingredients. But compared to potency, it does not stand anywhere against Focus Factor. Some of the main ingredients are Ashwagandha extract, royal jelly, green tea extract, and choline.

Side Effects

Focus Fast is claimed as the safest brain supplement that doesn’t carry any type of side effects. But as per clinical studies, some ingredients might lead to possible side effects like increased blood pressure, insomnia, itching, and headaches.

User Reviews & Ratings

Though the supplement has been rated with 4.1 stars on Amazon by over 100 users, it has received mixed up reviews and feedback from the real users. Most of these reviews are against the claims made by the company.

Focus Factor vs Neuro Peak

neuro peak vs focus factor

Neuro Peak is manufactured by Zhou Nutrition, a popular nutritional supplement company. This brain supplement is actually a dietary supplement that is formulated with natural ingredients.

Neuro Peak includes the blend of the 6 best and unique nootropics that are proven to increase cognitive power and functioning.

The supplement is claimed to increase focus, concentration, memory, and mental clarity. As per the official website, the supplement is best for students, professionals, and decision-makers.


  • The supplement uses ancient herbs in the formulation
  • It helps in improving mental clarity
  • Promotes cognitive function
  • Helps in decision making


As per the ingredient label, the supplement uses a blend of 6 powerful and quality nootropic ingredients. Neuro Peak ingredient list includes Vitamin B12, Bacopa Monnieri, Phosphatidylserine complex, Ginkgo Biloba, Rhodiola Rosea, and DMAE.

Side Effects

Neuro Peak claims to be free from any type of side effects as it uses 100% natural ingredients and herbs in the formulation. Still, there are some reported side effects that include sleep disturbance, insomnia, anxiety, mood swing, headache, nausea, and skin irritation.

User Reviews & Ratings

Neuro Peak has received mixed-up reviews from real users on various platforms. It has been rated with 4 stars out of 5 by more than 11K users on Amazon. About 53% of users have given it 5 stars.

Focus Factor vs Adderall

adderall vs focus factor

Adderall is a prescribed medication or drug that is available over-the-counter to treat ADHD conditions. The medication is formulated with synthetic ingredients, majorly two formula, dextroamphetamine, and amphetamine.

These two drug formulas are known as stimulants for the nervous system helping in boosting brain functioning. Adderall is duly approved by the FDA to treat ADHD, sleeping disorder, and attention deficit disorder.


As mentioned above and regulated by the FDA, Adderall is used to treat ADHD condition, sleeping disorder, and attention deficit disorder.


Adderall is a prescription drug that uses two formulations Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine.

Side Effects

Being a prescription drug for brain ailments and issues, Adderall does carry some serious side effects that include heart problems, hallucinations, aggression, paranoia, numbness, cold feeling, weight loss, stomach pain, mood change, dry mouth, dizziness, and sleep problems.

User Reviews & Ratings

Though this drug is used to treat ADHD condition and few other brain health issues as per prescribed by the doctors. Users do get results but they also experience side effects and that’s why they have rated it with 3.5 stars.

Focus Factor vs Ginkgo Biloba Supplement

ginkgo biloba vs focus factor

Ginkgo Biloba supplements are very popular in the market that is frequently used as a natural brain booster.

Ginkgo Biloba is commonly used in various brain supplements but it is compared with Focus Factor because Focus Factor doesn’t use it in the formulation.

Ginkgo is a large tree commonly found in China, Korea, and Japan and has been used for centuries as an ailment against various health issues. But ginkgo alone cannot be as effective as supplements like Focus Factor.


Ginkgo biloba supplements are claimed to help in providing relief from anxiety, depression, premenstrual syndrome, strokes, dizziness, weak memory, loss of concentration, much more.


There are lots of Ginkgo Biloba supplements and each of them uses it in different concentrations. Where some use more than 90% ginkgo extract, other use between 50-70% of ginkgo extract.

Side Effects

Although, it is a natural extract and does not carry any possible side effects. But still, there are some minor side effects associated with inappropriate usage or being allergic. These side effects include skin reaction, stomach upset, headaches, dizziness, and constipation.

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My Final Verdict

There are actually lots of alternatives to Focus Factor but not all of them are equally effective and prominent. In my research and analysis of Focus Factor alternatives, I found only two supplements that can actually compete or be real alternatives.

These two supplements are Mind Lab Pro and Onnit Alpha Brain. So if you really need a substitute for Focus Factor, you can consider these two supplements as per my recommendation.

Matthew Swayne

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We Recommend our customers to try Mind Lab Pro which works exceptionally well.

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