We The Brainys
Onnit New Mood Review

Onnit New Mood Review – Effective Stress & Mood Support?

Onnit New Mood is a supplement that packs a punch when it comes to reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, and promoting feelings of calmness and relaxation. People are genuinely curious about how effective and reputable this supplement is in terms of customer opinions.

In this review, we’ll provide you with all the information you need about the New Mood supplement. Our goal is to give an evaluation and rating of its ingredients, effectiveness, potential side effects, safety measures, and more. By doing so, we hope to help you decide if this product aligns with your needs.

Onnit New Mood Review: An Overview

Onnit New Mood Review

Onnit has crafted New Mood as a mood-enhancing supplement that aims to support a response to stressors. Developed by Onnit Labs, Inc., it claims to ease anxiety, foster emotional balance, and promote sleep.

Unfortunately, despite the presence of ingredients in the formula of the New Mood supplement itself, there are some concerns and warning signs that hinder its effectiveness as a nutritional supplement or fail to deliver on its promised calming effects and other benefits claimed.

The unique Tranquillity Blend used in New Mood relies on extracts from root, chamomile flower, lemon balm, and jujube seed. The combination of these ingredients, including tryptophan, 5 HTP magnesium, vitamin D3, and B vitamins 3 and 6, is believed to support well-being.

One concerning aspect is the use of a blend in Onnit New Mood. This often raises questions as it can obscure the composition of supplements. In the case of New Mood, with this blend disclosed, it becomes evident that some ingredients lack evidence while others are not provided in sufficient amounts.

The proprietary blend does not pose dosage concerns. Other ingredients also face similar issues. Some may have a dosage to deliver effects, while others may be too strong and potentially lead to side effects. Considering these factors, New Mood may not be an option for stress relief.

Despite its drawbacks, Onnit has positioned New Mood as a supplement. However, there are plenty of mood-regulating supplements at comparable or lower prices. Therefore, it might be wise to avoid spending money on NewMood.

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How Does Onnit New Mood Function?

Onnit New Mood harnesses a variety of researched ingredients that have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. These components work by supporting the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. Serotonin plays a role in regulating our mood, and increasing its levels can help alleviate symptoms of depression. On the other hand, dopamine not only affects our mood but also influences our motivation and memory.

When it comes to managing stress and anxiety, it is particularly important to increase levels. GABA works by blocking receptors in our nervous system, which helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety while improving the quality of sleep.

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What Ingredients Make New Mood Unique?

The main active ingredients in New Mood have been extensively studied. Proven effective. In addition to their potency, these ingredients also contribute to well-being.

Valerian is a plant known for its properties that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality. Scientific studies have shown that valerian can increase levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter. A comprehensive review published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine found evidence supporting Valerian’s effectiveness in treating sleep-related issues and disorders.

Tryptophan, an amino acid, plays a role in protein synthesis and enzyme production. It is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which contributes to mood enhancement. Additionally, tryptophan aids in the creation of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, resulting in improved sleep quality.
According to a study published in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, incorporating a diet of tryptophan for four days has shown promising results in reducing feelings of anxiety and depression.

The jujube fruit, known for its taste, offers the advantage of boosting GABA levels in the brain. This helps promote relaxation and alleviate both stress and anxiety. Research also suggests that it may have effects on improving the duration and quality of sleep.

L Tryptophan, an amino acid for optimal bodily function, cannot be naturally synthesized by our bodies. It plays a role in regulating chemicals and hormones in the brain, particularly serotonin production. Its impact on mood regulation, inducing relaxation, and facilitating falling asleep as well as staying asleep is well documented. Studies have indicated that daily doses of 1 gram of L-tryptophan can yield these benefits. However, it’s important to note that Onnit New Mood only contains 400 mg per serving, which might limit its effectiveness as a sleep supplement.

Another amino acid called 5-hydroxytryptophan (5 HTP) has been found to enhance production within the brain. It shares similarities with L-tryptophan. Exhibits efficacy due to its ability to easily cross the blood-brain barrier.

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Onnit New Mood product is specifically formulated to help reduce stress and anxiety, offering relief for individuals seeking assistance with these challenges. By targeting the levels of pressure in the brain, this supplement provides a way to reduce the intensity of stress. Moreover Onnits New Mood aims to improve both the speed and quality of sleep, contributing to well-being. This product takes an approach to supporting vitality by strengthening general health and fortifying the immune system. By promoting relaxation and tranquility, New Mood encourages a state of calmness.


The popularity of this supplement may occasionally lead to shortages.
Different individuals may experience varying benefits when using Onnit New Mood.
If your daily calorie intake exceeds 2000, you may notice diminished effects from the supplement.

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Is it safe to use Onnits New Mood?

Yes, Onnit New Mood is considered a supplement. It is made entirely from 100% ingredients. Does not contain any artificial additives or preservatives.

There are no known side effects associated with using New Mood. The company adheres to safety standards in manufacturing. Testing their supplements.

Where can I buy Onnits New Mood?

You have options for purchasing Onnit New Mood. It is recommended to buy directly from the manufacturer. When you purchase directly from the manufacturer, you can take advantage of their offers, subscription options, and excellent customer service. They even provide shipping for orders over $150. We reached out to their customer service team. I found them to be friendly, helpful, and transparent about the product and brand.

What is their return policy or guarantee?

Onnit offers a 90-day return policy called “Keep It,” which shows their confidence in their products. If the supplement doesn’t meet your expectations, simply contact customer service for a refund while keeping the remaining portion of the bottle.

Who should consider purchasing Onnit New Mood?

In our opinion, Onnit New Mood is a supplement for individuals dealing with mild to severe anxiety who are seeking relief from these emotions. It is also highly effective as a sleep aid, enhancing rest quality.

What sets Onnit New Mood apart from its competitors?

Onnit has been highly respected as a leading brand in the health and wellness industry. The carefully crafted combination of organic ingredients used in Onnit New Mood, which has received support from numerous scientific studies, sets it apart.

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Onnit New Mood Customers Reviews

Customer feedback on Onnit New Mood has been surprisingly positive, primarily highlighting its effectiveness in promoting sleep. However, there seems to be information regarding its impact on mood enhancement, despite its name suggesting otherwise. Upon examining the list of ingredients, it becomes evident that the supplement primarily focuses on aiding sleep rather than solely improving mood. Nevertheless, it’s worth considering that better sleep has the potential to reduce cortisol levels and positively influence mood.


In conclusion, the Onnit New Mood supplement shows promise with its ingredients. Falls short in areas, making it less effective than desired. With its components and insufficient dosages, New Mood fails to deliver the desired results. Additionally, its high price raises doubts about its value for money. When choosing New Mood, there are superior alternatives available for enhancing mood and promoting restful sleep. It is advisable to explore those options that genuinely support well-being and provide a good night’s sleep.

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Matthew Swayne

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