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Best Foods For Boosting Memory and Cognition

Are you looking for some common foods for boosting memory? You will surely agree with me that how important it is to have better memory power. No matter it’s about remembering passwords, dates, events, names, and contacts, all you need is to improve memory power.

Enhanced cognition not only keeps you concentrated but also leads you to the path of success. It’s not that some of us have weak memory genetically; instead, it could be due to our poor lifestyle, unhealthy diet, stress, and depression.

If you search the internet, there are numerous ways to enhance your memory power. Diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, brain games, and supplements are some prominent ways to improve your cognition power.

But here in this article, we are going to find out how to increase memory power by food and for that I have list the top ten foods for boosting memory and cognition that can help you raise your memory power within few weeks. So let’s find out, what that five foods are.

Top 10 Best Foods For Boosting Memory 2023

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Chocolate is a favorite food for most of us. We love to eat chocolates and for kids, it’s a dying favorite. But it will surprise you that chocolate can help you in enhancing memory power. Yes, you heard it right; chocolate is one of the best memory-boosting foods.

There is an element named polyphenol present in the chocolate that boosts the blood circulation in the brain and helps in the growth of brain cells and brain vessels. But sure that you eat it while your eyes are on your calorie chart because the calorie level in chocolate is very high.


Here is excellent news for coffee lovers, especially ladies. According to research, coffee helps in increasing memory power. In a study conducted on coffee by researchers of the University of Innsbruck, it was found that caffeine in coffee has very positive results in boosting memory power.

Though the results are more prominent in women than men, the bottom line is that coffee is also one of the best brain-boosting foods. Just make sure that you prefer to filtered coffee because unfiltered coffee is responsible for increasing cholesterol.

Lean Red meat

If you are a vegetarian, then it’s not for you. But the good news for meat lovers, recently it was found that lean red meat is an excellent source of iron, vitamin B12, and zinc. We all are aware of the health benefits of these minerals. These vitamins and minerals help in increasing blood circulation and repairing damaged cells that results in increasing memory power.


We all know that fruits are an essential part of our diet and almost every fruit carries some health benefits. Similarly, there are some fruits like apples, blueberries, and cherries that are known to improve memory power. The skin and flesh of apples contain an antioxidant that helps in preventing Alzheimer’s and a phytochemical that is a great memory-booster.

Similarly, blueberries are also a rich source of phytochemicals along with anthocyanin that helps in boosting memory and maintaining brain health. Cherries and grapes are also significant sources of antioxidants and anthocyanin that are responsible for repairing brain cells and improving memory power.


Onions usually accompanies most dishes. This is a good thing for not known to many, onions contain quercetin which an effective antioxidant and have been tagged with a wide range of medical properties. Of course, this includes bridging a poor memory. Also, some studies suggest that onions have anti-tumor properties. Hence, the potential of an onion is not limited to foods that improve memory.


Blueberries are known to be those sweet little round things that mom loves to put inside the pie. When devouring the chunk of pie, one is unknowingly eating one of the healthiest foods around. Blueberries have been proven to contain the highest amounts of anti-oxidants among other fruits. In addition, the recent studies conducted by Tuft University indicate that it is one of the foods that improve memory.


Most people, especially children, hate eating this clustered green veggie but if you are suffering from memory lapses, then it’s time you close your eyes and just eat it. Broccoli is known to be a mine full of vitamin K which helps enhance brainpower and cognitive brain functions. It is also a geyser of folic acid which helps prevent the acquisition of Alzheimer’s disease.


There is a phrase; you might have heard it, “rosemary for remembrance.” It’s not just a phrase; instead, it is a fact that herb named rosemary is a standard memory enhancer food. This fantastic power of rosemary is prevalent since ancient days, but our science recently acclaimed that rosemary is a vibrant source of carnosic acid and antioxidants that prominent in boosting memory power.

Let me tell you an incredible fact, even the smell of rosemary is a powerful brain booster. Therefore you can use them in your home and office spaces. Some other herbs like ginseng, Gotu Kola, and ginkgo are also good memory-boosting herbs.

Nuts: Nuts have always been known to be one of the top foods that improve memory enhance brain functions. Several studies conducted suggest that nuts have high amounts of Vitamin which is known to prevent a person’s memory from getting dull. Nuts are also great sources of good fatty acids, such as omega-3, that lowers risk of heart ailments. Plus, it’s a good source of protein and a suggested alternative to meat.

Wholegrain food: Usually, most people will have bread or cereals or even pasta for breakfast. They are good sources of carbohydrates which one needs to fuel his/her everyday activity. Unknown to most, cereals, breads and pastas are better if they are wholegrain. A lot of braining boosting vitamins, like B6 and B12, are found on wholegrain products. They also contain folic acid which, as we already know, prevents Alzheimer’s.

All these foods are most prominent in enhancing your brainpower. But if you are searching for supplements, you can check out WeTheBrainys review page for complete information on brain supplements.

Herbal Supplement That Are Alternative To Foods For Boosting Memory

qualia mind

Proper nutrition is needed not only for the body but also for memory. It is something that we utilize constantly, so it also needs to be refueled and be provided with tools that will help enhance its performance. Yet proper nutrition alone won’t be of much help. It needs to be accompanied by regular physical activities and quality supplementation. For this, I recommend Qualia Mind and Mind Lab Pro as the best supplements to increase memory and concentration.


Matthew Swayne


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